Why K2D3?

How are the bones built?

The effects of vitamin D and calcium on overall bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis have been confirmed long ago: Calcium is the one that gives the bones hardness and makes them resistant to fractures, and vitamin D allows the absorption of Calcium from the bowel and its utilization. For a long time, it was considered to be sufficient for proper construction, but recent research says the opposite.
After entering the blood, calcium is reaching the bones, but in order to incorporate it into the bone, vitamin K2 is required. In the absence of vitamin K2, calcium is not incorporated into the bone, however much it is taken. Instead, calcium goes into soft tissues such as joints, kidneys, breasts, blood vessels, etc. The result is twofold:

  • Porous bones subject to fractures, and
  • Calcium deposits that disturb the function of the joints and other tissues

How does vitamin K2 affect bone mineralization?

Only the latest research has fully illuminated the mechanism of bone building: the protein responsible for the incorporation of calcium into the bone, the so-called Osteocalcin is the one that unlocks bones for Calcium entry. However, after synthesis, osteocalcin is inactive and only in the presence of vitamin K2 is active and can perform its function.

In other words, without vitamin K2, calcium remains unavailable to our bones even though we have entered it sufficiently. Numerous clinical trials confirmed this: vitamin K2 completely prevents bone loss, while in some cases it even increases bone mass in people with osteoporosis.

The evidence collected from seven Japanese studies shows that vitamin K2 supplements lead to a reduction in spinal fracture spleen of 60 percent, as well as a reduction in hip fracture and other non-vertebral fractures of 8 percent. Other studies have shown that vitamin K2 supplementation allows more efficient use of vitamin D and reduces the incidence of osteoporosis up to 25 percent.

Vitamin K2 protects our organs from harmful effects of calcium.

Now it is known with certainty that excessive intake of calcium is harmful to the body.

A recent study conducted on 1,500 women over 55 years of age has unambiguously shown that calcium preparations that women take as an adjunct to the treatment of osteoporosis increase the risk of myocardial damage by 50 percent. And that’s not all: adding calcium is deposited in the joints and leads to ossification, in the kidneys it leads to the formation of a stone, and precipitation in the breasts leads to irreversible damage to the tissue, aging and cell decay.

Here, vitamin K2 again enters the scene, because in addition to osteocalcin he also activates vascular GMP, a protein that prevents the deposition of calcium in soft tissues. This explains the better structure and preservation of cartilage, as well as the better function of the joints in people who take enough vitamin K2.

The key function of vitamin K2 is to “grab” and build calcium into the bones and at the same time “lock” soft tissues and prevent the entry of calcium. So, Vitamin K2 helps maintain bone density while protecting the calcium cavities.

Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3 are a potent nutrient duo for strong and healthy bones.

These two nutrients are like parts of the puzzle, i.e. A mechanism that does not work when some of the elements are missing. K2 and D3 have a synergistic effect and achieve maximum effect only when taken together. So, using vitamins K2 and D3, enough amount of calcium comes into the blood and is properly directed, helping us to have firm bones and vital joints.

A recent study conducted on 1,500 women over 55 years of age has unambiguously shown that calcium preparations that women take as an adjunct to the treatment of osteoporosis increase the risk of myocardial damage by 50 percent. And that’s not all: adding calcium is deposited in the joints and leads to ossification, in the kidneys it leads to the formation of a stone, and the precipitation in the breast leads to irreversible damage to the tissue, aging and cell degradation.

By combining vitamin K2 and vitamin D3, which work in synergy, the overall result can be far superior to their individual use.

Clinical studies have shown that K2D3 supplementation is more effective in preventing bone loss, than by taking any of these two vitamins alone.